the Avenue of True Success of Masters and Champions

Absolutely Free Instant Magical Powers

When J.C. Penney went bankrupt, he sent letters to every creditor, promising 100% repayment.
J.C. Penney worked each day. It took him approximately 6,000 days, as if on fire, to repay all of his debtors from the bankruptcy. If you are in fact as bright as you and the Avenue of True Success believe you to be, you will rapidly recognize the brilliant lessons of brilliant people: Every day was an urgent group of hours working at his dream. How " Avenue of True Success" of him.

Jimmy was still teaching kindergarten at age 32, age 35, age 38. Submitting manuscripts that just kept getting rejected, he maintained his urgency, and took daily steps. Age 42, still teaching kindergarten. Age 45, still teaching kindergarten. At 46, he got his first book published, and it was well-received.
He went on to become so successful he anonymously gave money away on several thousand separate occasions, through a forty-year period, totaling ninety million dollars to charity! Do you know better than James Michener, who took pretty small steps every day for a thousand days, and another thousand, and another?

How badly can a kid feel getting kicked off his high school basketball team because he played so badly? He wanted so much to be the best that he treated it as an urgent need. the only reason he'd gotten on the team in the first place was because he met the coach every morning at 7:30 for a full year after failing two different tryouts. He took daily action, and reaped phenomenal rewards. How " Avenue of True Success" of him, and more than a taste of the Greatest Doctor Network showing up in the way that James Michener lived his life. What a great role model for ANYONE seeking to live the Avenue of True Success in the most successful manner possible. Living long and well is a magnificent pathway. He played the game of taking those small steps, and reaped undeniably enormous rewards. With multiple degrees of certainty, you will, too. His name, as you may already know or have figured out? Michavel Jordan: thrown off his team for poor play, proving, for the fourth year in a row, that he had little or no talent for basketball. So, he relied on skill, instead, and treated it urgently.

Treat your life desires with the fire of your emergencies.
Find people who are already better than you are at your chosen goal.

Ask for their help. they'll give it, more often than you have proven to realize, based on the fruits you have not enjoyed... as a direct result of your not having asked.

Instead of making excuses for why you're not doing it, use the same energy and effort to list ways to get it done; to list people or agencies who might be able to help.

Do you even understand how many thousands upon thousands and more thousands of individuals, agencies, and organizations are focused exclusively on helping people to fulfill their goals and dreams?

More to the point, have you lost your mind? Here you had the opportunity in these past twenty-four hours to tap into at least ten or twenty powerful sources of help, yet how many have you asked?

Whether or not you deserve it, you know good and well that you can ask at least ten or twenty people, ten or twenty organizations, for help, in this next twenty-four-hour period. We are specifically asking you personally how many of them you will contact?

Since you are going to receive whatever you ask most often for in your life, why not ask for more? More of yourself, and your daily efforts, and yes, more help from as many of Earth's five billion people?

It’s not what you're able to do; it's what you’re
willing to do.. …in the next sixty seconds and sixty minutes and sixty days. This may come as a surprise to you: there is no Santa Claus.

You want it? Great. Go get it. Ask for help.

With no competition, this is the single greatest,











past, present or future.



Forget the art of success, requiring charm, suasion, golden tongues and thoughtful articulate replies. In the next hour or two, and beyond, make use of the SCIENCE of success, requiring only the duplication of a formula, precisely as you do when you use a recipe to duplicate a dish you want to eat.

Mathematically speaking, even if only one in a thousand people say "Yes" to your request, then you'd better make it your business to ask a thousand and three people, hm? Math can't fail you, friend, only you can fail by stopping.

It's important for all of us to remember that we do not, in fact, we NEVER stop doing something because we fail; in each case we fail because we stop. This is nothing less than a fantastic power for you to tap instantly and generously, gaining equally immediate benefit.  USE IT BACKWARDS!! Consciously and intentionally work backwards to live it forwards! Knowing that the exclusive foundation of every failure is cessation of effort, CHANGE IT!!

One more and one more try is that single fastest of all paths, from asking to

You already know, hopefully, that it's unlikely that you'll need to ask a thousand people, just because Harlan Sanders did, and got turned down by a thousand. He must've been pretty pitiful in his approach to be laughed at by so many people, rejected by so many people. Here's a man who went so far from his home looking for money for his idea that he actually stopped going home.

Year after year, past his 67th birthday and his 68th and 69th, he kept asking and asking and asking. He was close to 70 years of age before he raised enough money to open his first Kentucky Fried Chicken, and legend has it that when he died, he took his forty-five million dollars with him. Not too bad for a guy who'd never taken home $400 in a single week -- through five decades of work. the only measurable change in his life was his decision, at age 65, to ask as many people as it took until he opened the door to his dream. He understood that every single "No" brought him mathematically and intractably one step closer to the word he wanted to hear. He asked enough people to hear the word "Yes."

He wrote down the names of one thousand and eight people who turned him down. How happy do you think he was that he didn't stop at a thousand and eight? Can you imagine if he had? Do you think he would even have KNOWN that he was less than one one-thousandth away from the realization of his dream (and tens of millions of dollars in his pocket, to boot) had he stopped at one thousand and eight people? It was that final ask, wasn't it? Just like water being heated up to only 211 degrees Fahrenheit, and never getting to boil.

"Colonel" Harlan Sanders asked enough people to hear the word "yes." Will you? Is your dream worth it? If not, we strenuously urge you to contribute to natural conservation of resources by inhaling a quart or three of ocean water. the value of your life is measured by history and n ature by how many people you have benefited from. the funniest, most ironic and poetically justice-oriented fact of this life is that you can have whatever you want in this life -- provided you help enough other people get what they want. That's how and why this document, and a hundred others of the same genre have been created and uploaded to more than four hundred different free websites, one at a time before being submitted to a hundred and more search engines -- again, one at a time.

I have a dream of helping people to help themselves. It has enriched me far beyond my expectations, and now Newton's 3rd Law of Physics, which promises an equal and opposite reaction to every action in the universe, demands its due.

This is the basis for Easy Street, USA producing the Masters and Millionaires live and radio shows, websites, columns, workshops, and more: we ask more people, and we ask each person more times.

That's the final thought of this piece, and you're invited to stop talking, cease opining, and simply drink in the wisdom gleaned from thousands, and then more thousands of individual champions and world-class masters and millionaires. More than anything else on earth, they know that asking once or twice is rarely sufficient. Just as all one hundred of America's top sales closers have clearly stated (individually!!), in one form or another, that "No" does not mean "NO," it means "You haven't given me enough reasons yet for me to say "YES."

Just as it was with your ice cream cones as a child: when you wanted it badly enough, you didn't settle for that first "No," did you? You asked, you pleaded, cried, demanded, pouted, charmed and kissed your way into that ice cream cone, didn't you?

Every single thing you ever want in your life is identical to that ice cream situation, that ice cream desire: the more you ask, the more you receive

Who are the ten people or organizations you will ask directly in the next 24 hours for their help?

  1. _______________________________

  2. _______________________________

  3. _______________________________

  4. _______________________________

  5. _______________________________

  6. _______________________________

  7. _______________________________

  8. _______________________________

  9. _______________________________

  10. _______________________________


What you know means nothing;
what you DO with what you know is the difference between mediocrity and excellence.

Let's face a bit reality: either you yourself are excellent, or you're not, which would place you with the mediocre. This page contains a powerful tool for you to get benefit from in the next few hours of your life; significant, measurable benefit.
Benefit: use it, or lose it.

Get busy writing today, I promise you a wealth of fast benefit and profit.
Your opinion is of no value until based on experience.
Writing more today brings more today AND tomorrow;     ninety-seven days out of every one hundred.

    Masters and Millionaires        HotClick        Shapelinks       Shame       Masters & Millionaires #44    

  Click Here to Make This Your Homepage -
        Change it every week with a new PowerGem Page

Compliments of Masters and Millionaires.     This program is free to you for the remainder of your life.
    Feed a hungrier person today.
 Avenue of True Success Help TheHungerSite Button
How fantastic is this? SAVING A LIFE with but a clickthrough.
When you repeat this behavior many times, what do you think results?
Do you think it is possible to avoid the certain repayments of Newton's 3rd law?
What goes up, must come down, and what goes around is going to come back around.
Free is the power for you to use what you already know, using it just a bit more.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well one hundred or one thousand times.
Free is the power of a human to do something with mediocrity, or excellence.
Power is the ability to create an effect, or to take action. Use your powers.
Feeding the starving of the world, or multiplying your skills in anything,
the underlying desire determines the number of times we will do it.
How hungry are you for power? The greatest powers are all free.
Address yourself to the immense power of making better vastu.

EyeCandy and PowerGems At The Avenue of True Success

EyeCandy is just as EyeCandy would,
after all, EyeCandy could and should,
develop all the pleasures EyeCandy can bring,
to grab up the wisdom, in pursuit of global good.

EyeCandy Palace, evermore so dramatic,
only with IE browsers is EyeCandy automatic,
Maybe your browswer can see EyeCandy as fun.
Otherwise, the EyeCandy's not seen by everyone,
so the Avenue of True Success is out to make sure,
that the PowerGems under EyeCandy deliver the cure,
for all that ails us in matters of health,
in all that matters in arenas of wealth.

This is because EyeCandy treats, are merely a doorway to find,
great shortcuts used by masters and champions,
to prove that you, too, are one of a kind.

Look past EyeCandy to find for yourself,
the PowerGems we stock here on every shelf.
So, put away your wallet, hold your credit card,
EyeCandy and PowerGems are all pro bono art.

EyeCandy Capital, it is true, this is,
created by our generation's most prolific whiz,
but PowerGems are really where it's all at,
secrets to share from up under my hat.
Reach for the best, within you and without,
you will break world records, of this there's no doubt.

Count out the deeds, the music, the art,
the poems and prose found right here,
all done with shortcuts, called PowerGems,
and as easily achieved, by you, too, my dear.

Enjoy the EyeCandy and PowerGems Palaces built for you here,
because the Avenue of True Success and
your healthiest and wealthiest websites online, are all here for your life.

EyeCandy feels as EyeCandy should,
considering that EyeCandy would and could,
delight in the pleasures that EyeCandy can bring,
to wrap up the wisdom to achieve more global good.

EyeCandy Palace, still more dramatic,
yet it only works for IE browsers,
sad, but true, we find,
but good news, there are some,
who seek to align, with the Microsoft scheme,
so maybe your browswer can see EyeCandy as fun.

Otherwise, it is understood,
that EyeCandy is not seen by you,
so the Avenue of True Success seeks to make sure,
that the PowerGems under EyeCandy are strictly true.

This is because EyeCandy treats, are merely a doorway to find,
the greatest wisdom used by masters and champions,
to prove that you, too, are one of a kind.

Look past EyeCandy to learn for yourself,
the PowerGems found here on every shelf.
Put away your wallet and new credit card,
EyeCandy and PowerGems are all pro bono art.

EyeCandy Capital, it is true, this is,
created by the world's most prolific whiz,
but PowerGems are really where it's all at,
secrets to move you beyond where you're at.

Reach for the greatest, within you and without,
you will shatter world records... of this there's no doubt.

Count up the students now masters themselves,
girls and boys all once thought to be useless,
use it yourself, speak less and do more,
where and when you choose to use this

The Avenue of True Success is poetry.
You are the poetry that it writes about.
Count up the deeds, the music, the art,
the poems and prose found right here,
produced with shortcuts, called PowerGems,
and as easily achieved, by you, too, my dear.

Enjoy the EyeCandy and PowerGems Capital, here,
because the Avenue of True Success and
your healthiest and wealthiest websites, contain secrets that are free for your life.

It is a simple and single step for you to teach yourself more.
You can teach yourself more about any subject on earth.
That is a fact that has never changed, and never will.
This is one of countless resources you can access.
Stop waiting for others to do it for you, unsolicited.

Take your life by the boostraps -

You now waste too many minutes.
You do so each and ever day of your life.
Rest and relaxation? Yes, AFTER you earn some.
There is a difference between working hard, and smart.
Learn how to work smart. Simply use more of each minute.
The Avenue of True Success does not "do it" for you. YOU do.

Do more with what you have.

All of this pays honor to your potential by your Godfather of EyeCandy, for You 

These are the best shortcuts of masters and millionaires,
the best shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
and without a doubt YOUR best shortcuts to succeeding.
Enjoy, and teach yourself here, the Avenue of True Success is free for your life.

Power of Vastu Through Better Vastu

Power to spare, power and more,
inclusive of all that we hope and yearn for.
All that we see, in thrall of power's broad tree,
can only yield shadow when directions are four.
This is free power, to know vastu power,
free to practice, to share, to give.
As the holder of record, today,
of the widest sprawl of brainy ways,
this is among the best of all my days,
that power is vastu and, yes, vastu is power,
above all else does this information truly tower.

Better learn vastu, and learn vastu better,
you are wise to learn better vastu to the letter.
It's easier than learning your language's letters.
Just follow simple instructions, strict to the letter.
Vastu is power, vastu is free, and power attracts better vastu for thee.

It is places just such as this where you find magical secrets of the universe,
clear and still hidden right in plain site - plain sight :-) - for whomsoever perseveres.
Vastu is the science of energy that runs underground through specific channels, like electricity.
There is bad vastu, or weak vastu, and there is good vastu, called "strong" vastu, and there is better vastu.
Both the Avenue of True Success and Greatest Doctor Network seek to help you to find, or create, YOUR better vastu.

Pay You
Say nay?
Ah Free
Ruby 2
Use It
Last Ruby
It's YOU
Age 14
100 Grand
Index II
Cold Cure
Desk I
Desk II
Pay You!
Goals II
IQ Boost
Pay You
Say nay?
Ah Free
Ruby 2
Use It
Last Ruby
It's YOU
Age 14
100 Grand
Cold Cure
Desk I
Desk II
Pay You!
Goals II
IQ Boost